Jaime Benavides
Jaime Benavides (Granada, 1986), es un aprendiz de poeta, improvisador teatral, activista y científico. Vive en Barcelona desde 2015, donde ha comenzado el grupo de improvisación teatral “The Armold” y es miembro del colectivo “The Society of Degenerate Artists”. Jaime participa activamente en la comunidad de poetas, facilitando talleres de escritura creativa y recitando sus poemas donde hay una oreja dispuesta. Su lema es “Sólo si crees que es una puerta podrás abrirla”.
Jaime Benavides (Granada, 1986), is a learner poet, theatre improviser, activist and scientist. He lives in Barcelona since 2015. He is the co-founder of the theater improvisation group "The Armold" and is a member of the collective "The Society of Degenerate Artists". Jaime participates actively in the community of poets, facilitating creative writing workshops and reciting his poems where there are willing ears. His motto is "Only if you believe that it is a door you will be able to open it".